domingo, 11 de julho de 2010

I See You

I see you,
Wrapped in my past, in my thoughts, in my grow,
Almost close enough by memories your clumsy yap appears,
Just like your blankets and your fleas and your fur,
All of that was cleaned today, kept in the lowest drawer, unlocked.

Home is quiet today,
an anxious silence rips my chest and my ears,
Some presence is missing, some scratching sound, some something,
My fingertips are still stiff, like you we're, in the morning.
The drool spot is still there, almost vanished, yet kept in time, like a print.

Lots of fights has been fought, just like other's can't imagine,
Racional senses mingle with irracional actions, just like always,
just like ever.
Places, faces, runs and catches, yap's and licking, jaded clipping,
Expressions, demonstrations, afections, enjoyment. Over.

Forgetting is like ripping some body member,
Instead i prefer the heart ripping, remembering by absence,
Even i couldn't realize how needful you were,
The time has passed now and you see me,
I can't.

L .

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