domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

A lonely traveller begins his journey with himself because he has the need of self-discover through the expose of the elements. Despite being more pleasurable the contemplation of the sunset with another person, he believes that we're always with ourselves before we're with someone, and in his journey he only needs that certainty. Alone, with ourselves, we can find things that together we'll never could, we feel differently and meet with other intensity.

Desire, fear, happiness, lust, cold, heat, enthusiasm, excitement, addiction. The most intense feelings are more open to be discover when we least expect, with who we least hope and never the way we want. But it's always perfect in his measures.

1 comentário:

  1. The lonely traveler is stopped by a wall.
    Which he can only overthrow it with a great deal of strength only accomplished with one by his side.
